- Before the -


By Richard Brunson

A Guide for the Second Coming - 
Written specifically for Latter-day Saints!
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we’ve been warned: the Second Coming is near. President Russell M. Nelson has urged us, saying, “Now is the time to prepare for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Natural disasters, wars, and the rise of evil are unfolding right before our eyes! And trying to make sense of these “signs of the times” can leave you wondering: What’s next? And how do I prepare my family for what’s coming?

This book has the answers you need.
The Prophetic Timeline for Our Day—Unlocked for You
Both ancient and modern prophets saw our day and left us a roadmap to the Second Coming. What advantages would you have in these last days if you knew the intimate details of their visions before they unfolded? This book reveals the intimate details of what the propehts saw, and puts their prophecies in their proper contexts. With this knowledge, you’ll be ready for the world-shaking events that are about to transpire!

What is this information worth to you?

Choose from Paperback $21.95 or eBook $9.99.
(eBook in PDF format.  Compatible with all Computers, Smart Phones,
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What You'll Get...

This book contains detailed information on each of the following events,
 including in which occur they are to occur:

  • The Redemption of Zion
  • ​The Half Hour of Silence
  • ​The Opening of the 7th Seal
  • ​The Persecution of the Saints
  • ​The Mark of the Beast
  • ​The Sealing of the 144,000
  • ​The Destruction in America
  • ​The US Constitution Hanging by a Thread
  • ​The Rescuing of the US Constitution
  • Our Missionaries Being Called Home
  • ​The Return of the Jews to Jerusalem
  • ​The Conversion of the Lamanites
  • ​Magnified Natural Disasters
  • ​The Remnant of Jacob Prophecy
  • ​The Church of the Firstborn
  • ​An Overflowing Scourge
  • ​The Removal of the Dome of the Rock
  • ​The Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple
  • ​Adam-ondi-Ahman
  • ​The Return of the Prophet Joseph Smith
  • ​The Location of the Lost Ten Tribes
  • ​The Return of the Lost Ten Tribes
  • ​The Return of the City of Enoch
  • ​The 7 Plagues in the Book of Revelation
  • ​The Day of Power
  • ​The Times of the Gentiles
  • ​Warfare in America
  • ​​The Abomination of Desolation
  • ​The Battle of Armageddon
  • ​​​The Army of Gog and Magog
  • ​​The 2 Prophets Killed in Jerusalem
  • ​Christ's Appearance on the Mt. of Olives
  • ​The Sign in Heaven
  • ​​The 7 Plagues in the Book of Revelation
  • ​The Relocation of our Earth in Space
  • ​​The Saviors Appearance in the Clouds
  • ​​The Piercing of the Earthly Veil
  • ​​And Much, Much More!


"This is one of those books that you will want to share with your family and friends!"

Shannon Tracy

Author of Millions Shall Know Brother Joseph Again

"This book is a trove of research about the Second Coming! I haven't delved this deep into a gospel topic since my mission. And with so many well-documented sources, it is clear that this book aligns with what Church leaders have taught on the subject. It was a fascinating read!"

Liz Kazandzhy

Auhor of The Holy Ghost from A to Z

"By far the best book I have ever read on this topic!"

Julie Dietz

Amazon Review

"Before the Second Coming offers essential patterns and insights to help us get ready for the return of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ."

Lynda Cherry

Author of The Feasts and Festivals of the Messiah

"This book is easy to read and hard to put down!"

Robert Flygare

Amazon Review

"This book was an easy read because of the author's ability to organize the topic into a logical storyline. The depth of his research is impressive. I leared a great deal by reading it and have changed some of my perceptions about the future as a result."

George Potter

Author of Lehi in the Wilderness

"I would highly recommend this book to anyone, from the casual gospel reader to the gospel scholar!"

Harold Skousen

Ensign Publishing
Now with Bonus Material!

Order today and receive the newly revised edition, which now includes a Part II: Understanding the Second Coming Through Types and Shadows.

This bonus material was origionally sold seperately in Richard Brunson's book: Christ as Bridegroom.  However, the newly revised edition of Before the Second Coming now inlcudes this bonus material at no extra charge! Find out how each of the below events teach us about Christ's Second Coming by using types and shadows:

  • The Parable of the Ten Virgins
  • The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
  • ​Ancient Israelite Weddings
  • ​The Story of Abraham and Isaac
  • ​Rebekah's Veiled Face
  • ​The Exodus Pattern, including:
  • ​          The 10 Plagues of the Exodus
  • ​          The Parting of the Red Sea
  • ​          The Events at Mount Sinai
  • ​          The 40-year Journey in the Wilderness
  • ​          Entering into the Promised Land
  • ​The Seven Mosaic Feasts of Israel, including:
  • ​          Passover
  • ​          The Feast of Unleavened Bread
  • ​          The Feast of Firstfruits
  • ​          The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
  • ​          The Feast of Trumpets
  • ​          The Day of Atonement
  • ​Book of Mormon History
  • ​The Coming Forth of the Gold Plates
  • ​The Parable of the Wheat and Tares
  • ​And More!

Rather Read for Free?

For a limited time, click on the link below to access a sample chapter from this book, 
Chapter 11 - Armageddon

About the Author

Richard Brunson's passion for studying and teaching the gospel was ignited during his mission in Washington D.C., where he served from 2002 to 2004. It was here that he engaged in enriching discussions with a fellow Church member who was interested in the signs of the times. These conversations sparked a curiosity in Richard that blossomed into a lifelong passion. Upon returning home from his mission, Richard began reading every book and article that he could find on the subject, and before long, had amassed a valuable collection of insights that needed to be organized and shared with the world. This collection included scriptures, quotes from general authorities, research done by LDS scholars, dreams and visions received by prophets, and more. Ultimately, this twenty-year endeavor eventually led to a book on the Second Coming that was published by Cedar Fort Publishing in 2025.
In addition to learning about the signs of the times, Richard also enjoys studying other gospel topics, including Book of Mormon Geography, the Creation and Fall, and other ancient scriptures. He shares his research and insights on these subjects and more at his blog, www.LDSTheology.com

In his professional career, Richard studied accounting and earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah in 2008 and completed his master’s degree in 2011. Richard currently works as an accountant and is the owner of a successful bookkeeping firm (wwwBookease.com) that provides tailored financial services to over 300 small businesses across the United States. Richard is also an avid chess player and enjoys dedicating his free time to volunteering as a chess coach for youth. He currently resides in Utah with his wife and three daughters. He may be contacted at: Rick@Brunson20.com.

Copyright © 2024 by Richard Brunson. All rights reserved
Contact: Rick@Brunson20.com